People I regularly refer to offhandedly in my journal. Might be good to know these. Yes, I stole this off April.
Lindsay - my best friend of about 3 years
Aidan - my crazy, nutty friend who, for whatever reason, really enjoys my company
Zach - mutual friend of Aidan and mine; regularly participates in movie nights
Matt - same as Zach
George - my manwhore
Layla - online friend who shares Dhani with me
Kellie - a friend of mine who has recently fallen out of contact with me
Micky - ass who betrayed me and then did it to everybody else
Davy - Rping friend who often ignores my IMs [hah]
Peter - one of my favourite people on earth; Rping friend
Saundra - Rping friend
Caryn [Mary] - Rping friend